1.1. LMI Code:
1.2. Category:
Public art
1.3. Official Naming:
Commemorative cross to the First World War Heroes
2.1. State:
2.2. County:
2.3. Locality:
Cernica village, Cernica commune
2.5. Current street, street number:
Decebal Street nr. 169, (and Traian Street), in the village center
3.1. State:
3.1.1. Public State Property:
Public property
4.3. Dating By Intervals:
1920 - 1945
6.1. Zone:
In the village center
6.3. Architecture Category:
Public art
6.3.1. Current Use:
Memorial monument
6.3.2. Previous Use:
Memorial monument
6.4. Single Object Description:
The monument is placed in a green area, on a polished concrete pedestal plated with white marble, horizontally, with the height of one step. In the four corners there are pillars without chains. The monument is composed out of a step like marble plated base. Over the base, a column rises with a rectangular prism, profiled in the upper area. On its facades facing the street, left and right, the names of the heroes are written. Above the base, the white marble rectangular column shoots upward. On the main façade, in the middle area, an oak leaf crown is carved, with a ribbon, and in the crown’s middle area there’s a plaque with an angel carved in relief, and above the angel the word “Peace” is written. On the crown’s axis, underneath, an oval medallion displaying the Romanian’s army insignia – the helmet, the sword and the rifle. Under the medallion, there’s the inscription: “The people and the grateful nation This monument is built by public subscription in memory and to glorify the Cernica Tânganu commune Heroes who fought and died in the 1916-1918 war for the Romanian Nation’s Union Major Ștefan Popescu Cernica”. In the upper area the column is decorated with gothic ogives, rosettes and straight lined profiles. The column ends in the upper area with a profiled capital and triangular entablature, elements from classical Greek architecture, and in the corners there are acroterions. This ornament is present on all the monument’s sides. Over the column stands a cross with profiled edges.
6.4.1. Architectural Plan:
The monument is placed in a green area, in a corner between two streets, on a square base.
6.4.2. Facades:
All sides of the monument share the same volume, a base, a column and a cross facing the main façade and the rear side. On the base’s front, left and right façades the names of the heroes are written. On the main façade, in the middle area, an oak leaf crown is carved, with a ribbon, and in the crown’s middle area there’s a plaque with an angel carved in relief, and above the angel the word “Peace” is written. On the crown’s axis, underneath, an oval medallion displaying the Romanian’s army insignia – the helmet, the sword and the rifle. Under the medallion, there’s the inscription: “The people and the grateful nation This monument is built by public subscription in memory and to glorify the Cernica Tânganu commune Heroes who fought and died in the 1916-1918 war for the Romanian Nation’s Union Major Ștefan Popescu Cernica”. In the upper area the column is decorated with gothic ogives, rosettes and straight lined profiles. The column ends in the upper area with a profiled capital and triangular entablature, elements from classical Greek architecture, and in the corners there are acroterions. This ornament is present on all the monument’s sides. Inscriptions are not to be seen on the other three sides of the column.
6.5. Structure:
The base: white marble plated concrete. The column is made of white marble, the cross is made of white marble.
6.6. Building Materials:
Concrete, white marble
6.7. Construction techniques:
Concrete, marble plated base; column with cross are sculpted marble.
6.9. Inscriptions:
“The people and the grateful nation This monument is built by public subscription in memory and to glorify the Cernica Tânganu commune Heroes who fought and died in the 1916-1918 war for the Romanian Nation’s Union Major Ștefan Popescu Cernica”. Names of the heroes.
7. General Conservation State:
7.3. Risk / threats:
Pollution, vehicle traffic
9.1. A/ B Value Group:
B Value Group
9.2. Object Category I II III IV:
9.3. Global Evaluation Criteria:
Age Value = „ medium"
Architectural Value = „medium",
Frequency Value = „medium",
Memorial Value = „great"
9.4. Date and protection document:
LMI 2015
10.1. The Institution Making The File:
National Institute for Heritage
10.2.1. Name:
10.2.2. Surname:
10.2.3. Status:
Ministry of Culture Expert
10.3.1. The Classification Document Number:
Annex to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.828/2015, regarding the modification to the Annex nr. 1 to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.314/2004 regarding the approval of Historical Monuments List, updated, and to the Missing Historical Monuments List, including modifications since 24.12.2015.
10.3.2. The Classification Order Date:
The Order was published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part 1, Nr. 113, bis, 15.02.2016
10.4. File Entry Date: