1.1. LMI Code:
1.2. Category:
Public art
1.3. Official Naming:
Monument containing Elements from the First World War Heroes Commemorative Cross

2.1. State:
2.2. County:
2.3. Locality:
Bragadiru City
2.5. Current street, street number:
Alexandriei Road nr. 249, facing the Mayor’s Office

3.1. State:
3.1.1. Public State Property:
Bragadiru city Mayor’s Office

4.1. Époque:

6.1. Zone:
Inside the park, facing the Bragadiru City Mayor’s office
6.3. Architecture Category:
Public art
6.3.1. Current Use:
Memorial monument
6.3.2. Previous Use:
Memorial monument
6.4. Single Object Description:
The monument is placed at the end of a park alley, on a square paving stone two step platform, surrounded with a low hedge fence. It’s composed of a cube pedestal, above which a tall square based prism rises. The two monument elements are plated with white marble and black marble tiles. The white marble comes from another memorial monument honoring the battle fallen heroes, a monument which degraded. On the monument facades, a cross can be observed, formed out of the contrast of the white and black marble tiles. On the white marble several inscriptions are engraved.
6.4.1. Architectural Plan:
The monument displays a square design, square at the base and square in the upper area as well, the squares are different in size, and placed in an axis.
6.4.2. Facades:
On the main façade, at the end of the alley, at ground level, there’s a square plated with white marble and bordered with black marble. On the white marble the following text is written: “The heroes of Bragadiru commune, fallen in the line of duty in the 1916-1918 War” and the names of the heroes are listed. Still on the main façade, but on the upper tall façade, on a black background made of black marble, a cross is suggested made of white marble tiles, and in the central area a soldier’s helmet and laurel branches are carved. On the monument’s axis, on the paving stones of the platform, on a metal board stands written: “This monument was restored by the Bragadiru commune Mayor’s office and with the support of the U.M. 02512 Bucharest, S.C. Somic, S.C. Bragadiru and with the help of the commune’s honor citizens”. On the street facing façade, at ground level, there’s a white marble square bordered with black marble. On the white marble square, framed by laurel branches stands written: “Pass down to future generations that we’ve made the supreme sacrifice on the battle field for our nation’s unification”. On this side, on the tall façade , on a black background made of black marble, a cross is suggested made of white marble tiles, and in the central area a soldier’s helmet and laurel branches are carved. The other two tall facades are identical to the tall facades, the facades leading to the alley and facing the street, but bearing no inscriptions.
6.5. Structure:
Concrete plated with white and black marble
6.6. Building Materials:
Concrete, white marble and black marble tiles
6.7. Construction techniques:
Marble plated concrete
6.9. Inscriptions:
On the façade facing the park alley: “The heroes of Bragadiru commune, fallen in the line of duty in the 1916-1918 War” and the names of the heroes are listed. On the façade facing the street: “Pass down to future generations that we’ve made the supreme sacrifice on the battle field for our nation’s unification”. On the paving stones in front of the main façade: This monument was restored by the Bragadiru commune Mayor’s office and with the support of the U.M. 02512 Bucharest, S.C. Somic, S.C. Bragadiru and with the help of the commune’s honor citizens”.

7. General Conservation State:
7.3. Risk / threats:
Pollution, the vehicle traffic

9.1. A/ B Value Group:
B value group
9.2. Object Category I II III IV:
9.3. Global Evaluation Criteria:
Age Value = „average"
Architectural Value = „average",
Frequency Value = „average",
Memorial Value = „great"
9.4. Date and protection document:
LMI 2015

10.1. The Institution Making The File:
National Institute for Heritage
10.2.1. Name:
10.2.2. Surname:
10.2.3. Status:
Ministry of Culture Expert
10.3.1. The Classification Document Number:
Annex to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.828/2015, regarding the modification to the Annex nr. 1 to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.314/2004 regarding the approval of Historical Monuments List, updated, and to the Missing Historical Monuments List, including modifications since 24.12.2015.
10.3.2. The Classification Order Date:
The Order was published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part 1, Nr. 113, bis, 15.02.2016
10.4. File Entry Date: