1.1. LMI Code:
1.2. Category:
Public art
1.3. Official Naming:
Monument to the First World War Heroes

2.1. State:
2.2. County:
2.3. Locality:
Mogoșoaia village, Mogoșoaia commune
2.5. Current street, street number:
Bucharest-Târgoviște Road, in front of the Mogoșoaia lido, near the entrance to the Mogoșoaia Palace Cultural Center

3.1. State:
3.1.1. Public State Property:
Mogoșoaia commune Mayor’s office

4.1. Époque:

6.1. Zone:
In front of the Mogoșoaia lido, near the entrance to the Mogoșoaia Palace Cultural Center
6.2.2. Natural Landscape:
Near the Mogoșoaia lake
6.3. Architecture Category:
Public art
6.3.1. Current Use:
Memorial monument
6.3.2. Previous Use:
Memorial monument
6.4. Single Object Description:
The monument is made of a stone two step pedestal, over which a body of apparent brickwork rises completed with a solid stone profile at the top. The architectural plan displays a U shape, and above each of the three sides of the U a stone cross towers – a symbol for the three localities where major battles took place during First World War: Mărăști, Mărășești și Oituz. On each of the three sides of the monument, on the pedestal, in the brickwork area, a niche is carved and the base is marked with a stone jamb inscribed with the following names: Mărăști, Mărășești și Oituz. On the façade facing the street, under the Mărăști stone jamb, a small icon is encased and under it there are two white marble plaques inscribed. On the higher first plaque the words “You shall not pass through here! Eternal Honor for the Heroes”, and on the second plaque “Glory for their sacrifice during Two World Wars 1916-1918, 1941-1945”. All three crosses are inscribed with the names of battle fallen heroes.
6.4.1. Architectural Plan:
The monument displays an U shaped architectural plan
6.4.2. Facades:
The street facing façade, on one of the sides of the U, under the Mărăști stone jamb of the niche, a small icon is encased and under it two white plaques are inscribed. On the cross towering on this façade, Christian symbols and names of the battle fallen heroes are carved. At the cross basis, a text is carved, but due to biological attack on the stone (moss and yellow lichen) it cannot be completely read “To the heroes…”. The monument’s façade, in the middle of the U-shaped plan, with the Mărășești stone jamb niche, stands written “Fallen on the battle field” at the basis of the cross, and on the cross Christian symbols and names of the battle fallen heroes are written. On the third Oituz façade, at the basis of the cross, “For the nation’s unification”, and on the cross Christian symbols and names of the battle fallen heroes are written.
6.5. Structure:
Stone and brick masonry
6.6. Building Materials:
Stone, brick
6.7. Construction techniques:
Brick masonry, stone elements and profiles

7.3. Risk / threats:
The pollution, vehicle traffic. Due to the lake’s proximity, the stone is covered with vegetation because of heavy biological attack.

9.1. A/ B Value Group:
B Value Group
9.2. Object Category I II III IV:
9.3. Global Evaluation Criteria:
Age Value = „ average"
Architectural Value = „ average",
Frequency Value = „ average",
Memorial Value = „great"
9.4. Date and protection document:
LMI 2015

10.1. The Institution Making The File:
National Institute for Heritage
10.2.1. Name:
10.2.2. Surname:
10.2.3. Status:
Ministry of Culture Expert
10.3.1. The Classification Document Number:
Annex to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.828/2015, regarding the modification to the Annex nr. 1 to the Minster’s of Culture Order nr. 2.314/2004 regarding the approval of Historical Monuments List, updated, and to the Missing Historical Monuments List, including modifications since 24.12.2015.
10.3.2. The Classification Order Date:
The Order was published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part 1, Nr. 113, bis, 15.02.2016
10.4. File Entry Date: