S5 Zoka Transports - шаблон joomla Форекс
Trasee istorico-turistice în judeţul Ilfov


The "Monuments and Heroes - In Memory of the Great War. Pilot Project (Ilfov county)", cofinanced by the National Cultural Fund Administration, aside from the activities concerning inventorying, maintenance, protection and promotion for the commemorative sites that are a major landmark in the lives of Ilfov County communities, among the project activities we’re proposing historical-tourist bike and pedestrian routes of about 20"-90", in the localities where the commemorative and architecture monuments are numerous.
These routes aim to attract the young people of the local community and implicate the local authorities and education establishments to develop these routes, by guided tours or making promotional materials, combined with other activities.
The Commemorative Cross of First World War Heroes (IF-III-m-B-15321) - The cross on the "St. Varvara" church grounds in Buftea - The "Holy Emperors" church, a former royal church (IF-II-m-B-15267) - The former Ştirbei Palace complex (IF-II-a-A15257)
Ţigăneşti Monastery (IF-II-a-B-15271) - "The Assumption" Church (IF-II-m-B-15270) - Commemorative monuments in memory of First World War Heroes
The former Grigore Gigurtu manor complex (IF-II-a-B-15272) - IF-II-a-B-15274) - Ciorogârla-Samurcăşeşti Monastery (IF-III-m-B-15328) - Commemorative cross in memory of First World War Heroes (Dârvari village)
Cernica Monastery (IF-II-a-B-15300) - Commemorative cross in memory of First World War Heroes Cernica (IF-III-m-B-15324)
Căldăruşani Monastery (IF-II-a-A-15293) - "St. Voievozi" Church (IF-II-a-A-15292) - the priory of the former Gruiu monastery (IF-II-m-B-15289)
• Mogoşoaia

The monument in memory of First World War Heroes (IF-III-m-B-15333) - St. Gheorghe Church Mogoşoaia - Gheorghe Bibescu Chapel (First World War Hero, George Bibescu the aviator) - Mogoşoaia Palace (Brancovan complex IF-II-a-A-15298)
Snagov Monastery (IF-II-a-A-15312) - Tâncăbeşti Inn (IF-II-m-B-15315) - The monument in memory of First World War Heroes in Tâncăbeşti (IF-III-m-B-15336)
The monument in memory of First World War Heroes (IF-III-m-B-15337) - „St. Nicolae" Church Tunari belonging to the former boyar court of Constantin Cantacuzino (IF-II-a-B-15318) - Intermediate Fortification number 45 Tunari (IF-II-m-B-21071) - Fort number 4 Tunari (IF-II-m-B-21072).


harta ilfov

Memorial and Commemorative Sites

Historical Monuments